Monday, June 20, 2011

Beat Review

So I feel like a bit of a good Samaritan lately, promoting other people - perhaps because I've got a week's holiday to go to Cardiff and then Glastonbury or perhaps because I've just become a nicer person.


Anyway, you may not know that I do a bit of writing for Beat Review, an online music mag for Cardiff (why, you ask, am I writing about a place you don't live and let's face it, can never rarely afford to visit? Well, I don't know why but I know that I love music and Cardiff. And I can write. And they were desperate

I've just written an article for them (it was a long time coming since the last one) but from now on, there will be many more coming. This is my latest, about Primal Scream.

Sometimes controversial, sometimes funny and usually informative, you should read / follow / facebook if you don't already.

Some more articles that are worth a wee read:

Jobseekers - Connor Cupples (Co-ed)
Spotify - Charlotte Coxhead (Me, if you didn't know)
Twitter - John Shortland (Contributor)
Wimbledon Weather - Harriet Mould (Contributor)
Eurovision - Sprink Laysson (Contributor)

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