Went to see Tubelord, Blakfish and Mae-Shi at the weekend. Amazing, particularly Blakfish - so much energy! Tubelord were wonderful but I couldn't really witness the fitness, damn being short. Speaking of short, the set was over far too quickly. And Mae-Shi were pretty damn cool too, with the parachute thing, and the guy with the crew-cut at the front trying to get off with the lead singer too. And I got a t-shirt, too - stood right next to the lead singer and couldn't even say anything to him, I think he was looking at me funny anyway, whatever I had done I'd have looked like an idiot (in this instance, it was giving the t-shirt guy several over-enthusiastic thumbs up and grinning like an idiot.
There was a bit of a rant at the beginning but I took it out because it sounded very silly.