I love Tubelord.
A lot.
His voice, the various layers of songs, the little climactic bits... Everything. B-E-A-utiful.
And they don't look too shabby, either.
Also, Tokyo Police Club, from Canada. Jaunty indie-type thing.
One more band, well, you've probably heard of them, but their new song, lovely:
Bombay Bicycle Club. His voice is just haunting. Listen to 'Always Like This' on their MySpace.
I am in the middle of writing an essay, hence the reason for the blog. Though no-one reads this because no-one knows about it, so it's sort of like the tree falling in the forest. But it still makes a noise, even if no-one hears it. Yep. About detective fiction, it is. I just can't seem to get started.
I've decided I'm going to start a scrapbook, or a journal, if you will. Maybe. I saw this really cool idea, using an old book (containing text already) and drawing/pasting over that. It might be something amazing, if I ever start.
Anyway, back to writing my essay.
'til next time (about 2 weeks then, probably).